
Sunday, August 17, 2014

8 months later...

So it has come to my attention that I have not blogged in 8 months, to the day actually. To be fair a lot has changed and happened. Greg got a new job at Sony Online Entertainment as the comminty manger for their game H1Z1 in San Diego. I transferred back to Vons as a floral manger. We moved into my parents guest house, so we could save money so we could buy a place instead of renting more. It was quite a world win with the new job, breaking our lease, packing, Greg going down 1st, me finishing Mother's Day at work, and moving all our stuff with cats.

The week of the move was insane for me. Sunday was Mother's Day. Monday I cleaned the deptment and said my goodbyes. Tuesday morning the movers came. Wednesday at 12:30 am I made it to encintas. Tuesday moving all the furniture in boxes took the movers longer then expected it also happen to be 90 degrees out. I had the cats kinda drugged at 7am so they would be calm for the 8 hour car ride thinking the movers would only take a couple hours. They started at 930 am didn't finish till 230 pm. I was also loading my car with clothes and some food and all the cat stuff and I had the hazards on for 5 hours. Little did I know when everything was done and I had the cats in the car ready to go my car won't start cause my battery is dead. Then after I get it jumped I have to take the cable box back. I get to the place and it's an hour wait when it 90 degrees out. So I nix that and start my drive at 4pm. When I finally get going on the road and hour in I can't keep my eyes open I have 7 hours to go and I am falling asleep. So I make the desicon to pull off the freeway crack the windows and nap for 30 mins. Haha not the best move but I had no choice. 8 hours later I make it to my parents house. Dad and Greg waited up for me which was a nice welcome. The next day dad and I meet the movers at the storage unit to unload Greg and our life into. 10x14 unit. All the while I have this bad spider bite that I have been itching non stop on my leg that gets so bad I go to urgent care on Friday and have it lanced. Needless to say it was non stop. 

Greg are I are looking for houses right now to finally own and set down roots in the San Diego county area. We are both working a lot saving as much money as we can and enjoying being home again near friends and family. 2014 has been the year of change.