I on occasion write poems, paint, or write a song. i wanted to share some of those, so tonight i thought my favorite poem would suffice. Its called Embrace.
I want to bust the world wide open the way you do when you're filled with youth
I want to remember it all and share my lessons
I want to engaged with people and lovers
I want to find solid ground
I want to be physical and I also want to ask the big questions
I want to taste the tastes and fix the problems
I want to help you believe you can go on long after you think you can’t
I want to be a test, a sacrifice, a battlefield
I want to call forth the power of every god, goddess, and demon for strength
I want to Let It Be
I want to run headlong into chaos, fun, darkness, and laughter
I want to be the best friend and the most honest honorable daughter
I want to make a bed of the moment and live it
I want to be the mystery in the room
I want to be magic
I want to be known.
cheers to living the fullest life.